D-Day looms for Medical Waste Incinerator Proposal
Fallout under normal conditions would spread at least 10Km, reaching Ormskirk, Burscough and Skelmersdale A final decision on a controversial medical waste incinerator is due on Wednesday at Lancashire’s Development Control Committee. Our West Lancashire have consistently worked to ensure a…
Flytipping Incidents Fall Following Introduction of Mobile CCTV championed by OWL
Fly tip incidents have fallen by 43% so far this year as mobile CCTV has been introduced by West Lancashire Borough Council. The camera technology is being deployed at fly tip hotspots to fight this environmental blight. The news that fly…
A Halt to All New Student Housing through the new Local Plan
Our West Lancashire would call a halt to all new student housing in Ormskirk and the wider area through the new Local Plan, preparation for which is now underway. Evidence provided to the Local Plan councillor working group shows there is more…
OWL’s Influence secures Important Improvements to Environmental Services; Town Centres and Housing Regeneration
“It felt as if the views of the majority of residents had a voice at this year’s budget†With the council having no majority party, Our West Lancashire were able to use their influence to secure important improvements to Environmental Services;…
Start on Plans for a Third Revival Project in Skelmersdale warmly Welcomed
Plans to start a third revival project in Skelmersdale are set to be approved at the council’s budget meeting this week after all parties on the Council gave the plans approval at a working group meeting. Our West Lancashire have been…