The Path to Nowhere – Sums up the Disjointed Planning at the Borough CouncilÂ
The new cycle and pedestrian route between Burscough and Ormskirk is being held up by delays at the Borough Council preventing its use by walkers and cyclists. Most of the route between Ormskirk Rail Station and Abbey Lane in Burscough is…
Labour have Lost Control of Council Finances
Council spent £1.4 million on agency staff and £245,000 on consultants in past year as deficit balloons to £1.8 million Council Independents, Our West Lancashire say that Labour have lost control of West Lancashire council’s finances after a budget was only…
West Lancashire’s Roads are in the Worst Condition in the Whole County, New Figures Show
Our West Lancashire have reacted angrily to information that shows that once again West Lancashire has the worst-maintained roads in Lancashire. 500 road defects were reported in January alone from road users in the Borough. OWL activist in Ormskirk East, Janet…
OWL Councillors Welcome Plans for Improved Parking on Scott Estate
Residents on the town’s Scott Estate will have more parking spaces in plans welcomed by local councillors Jane Thompson and Kate Mitchell from Council Independents, Our West Lancashire Sephton Drive and Whittle Drive residents should benefit from proposals for 34 new…
Raise your Voice for Community Sports on part of Glenburn School site, residents urged
Community Sports facilities should again feature on the former Glenburn School site say Council Independents, Our West Lancashire. Their call came as the County Council launch a 5-week Public Open Space consultation on the future of the 40-acre site. OWL’s Lead…
Traffic Light Cameras will be in place by March 2023 at County Road Accident Blackspot
A 12-14 week lead time on the camera-mounting poles means that the traffic light cameras to be fitted at two junctions on County Road in Ormskirk have been delayed until March 2023, the councillors who first initiated the project have learned.…
D-Day looms for Medical Waste Incinerator Proposal
Fallout under normal conditions would spread at least 10Km, reaching Ormskirk, Burscough and Skelmersdale A final decision on a controversial medical waste incinerator is due on Wednesday at Lancashire’s Development Control Committee. Our West Lancashire have consistently worked to ensure a…
Flytipping Incidents Fall Following Introduction of Mobile CCTV championed by OWL
Fly tip incidents have fallen by 43% so far this year as mobile CCTV has been introduced by West Lancashire Borough Council. The camera technology is being deployed at fly tip hotspots to fight this environmental blight. The news that fly…
One Councillor, One Vote System to be Introduced at West Lancashire Borough Council
One councillor, one vote will be introduced at West Lancashire Borough Council after councillors approved the recommendations of a councillor working group on the subject. Currently, a small group of 8 councillors from Skelmersdale and Ormskirk take most of the important…
Labour Forced Motorfest Cancellation only for Replacement Event to Cost More and Draw in Fewer Visitors
Figures obtained by Council Independents, Our West Lancashire show that after Labour forced the cancellation of Motorfest, the replacement event attracted fewer visitors than Motorfest while costing more than £11,000. Motorfest would have cost £7,000. The council had approved £7000 for…
Government must Release Specialist Study on Earth Tremors & Fracking
Plans by new Government to re-consider fracking while residents are kept in dark A report that looked at earth tremors and their connection to fracking must be released for public scrutiny say council Independents, Our West Lancashire. OWL made their call…
Council Plan Annual Report Rejected by Councillors
Glossy document didn’t reflect reality West Lancashire Borough Councillors rejected the Council Plan Annual Report at the July council meeting on Wednesday evening. This is the first time the Annual Plan Report has been rejected. There was criticism by councillors of…
Council must get Financial Support out to Hard-Pressed Households Now, not in June say OWL
The Borough Council must speed up their plans to get agreed financial support to local residents say Our West Lancashire, after news emerged that it could be June before the £150 energy rebate payment starts to be paid, much later than…
A Halt to All New Student Housing through the new Local Plan
Our West Lancashire would call a halt to all new student housing in Ormskirk and the wider area through the new Local Plan, preparation for which is now underway. Evidence provided to the Local Plan councillor working group shows there is more…
OWL’s Influence secures Important Improvements to Environmental Services; Town Centres and Housing Regeneration
“It felt as if the views of the majority of residents had a voice at this year’s budget†With the council having no majority party, Our West Lancashire were able to use their influence to secure important improvements to Environmental Services;…
Press Statement on Tawd Valley Developments
Following an Independent Review of Tawd Valley Developments Ltd (TVDL), West Lancashire Borough Council passed a motion this week which among other points, stopped all TVDL developments outside of the borough and all those within the Borough that are not already…
Start on Plans for a Third Revival Project in Skelmersdale warmly Welcomed
Plans to start a third revival project in Skelmersdale are set to be approved at the council’s budget meeting this week after all parties on the Council gave the plans approval at a working group meeting. Our West Lancashire have been…
OWL Success as Council Abandons Plan to Build on Highly-Valued Piece of Open Space in Ormskirk
The Labour-led Council have abandoned plans to sell public open space in Ormskirk for housebuilding to their own Development Company after sustained questioning by Our West Lancashire. The Council Independents have warmly welcomed the U-turn but said it showed how the…
OWL Secure Public Open Spaces Against Housebuilding but Concerns Remain
Work continues on plans to sell one single public open space for housebuilding Council-owned Tawd Valley Developments are not currently assessing any further public open spaces for housing development. That’s the assurance from council officers secured by Our West Lancashire. …
Mobile CCTV to be piloted in a trial of its effectiveness against Fly Tipping
Mobile CCTV is to be piloted in a trial of its effectiveness against fly tipping. The move has been hailed as a victory by Council Independents, Our West Lancashire who included the proposal in their alternative budget in February and have…