Jane Thompson

Jane Thompson was the Our West Lancashire Councillor for Scott Ward 2019-2023 when boundary changes meant the ward no longer existed.

Jane has lived in Ormskirk for over 15 years. For many years she has been involved with local residents groups to try and help her local community. Like most people, she wants to improve the town she lives in and try and make life better for the residents. It is a belief held strongly by Jane that by working together we can make West Lancashire a great place to live. Of course, she also recognises the challenges in this, and is eager to take them on.

paving sorted

Our West Lancashire is the first political party Jane has been a member of. By being part of this independent grouping she was able to commit to giving voice to the people of Scott Ward and the wider borough.

Jane Thompson successfully pressured the council to fix dangerous cobbling

After a long fought campaign, Jane working with fellow OWL Kate Mitchell was instrumental in getting the traffic light cameras installed on County Road. Jane and Kate raised a petition and brought the Lancashire Highways Chief to Ormskirk to a meeting of concerned residents at the Hayfield pub.

Jane successfully tabled a motion at the Borough Council supported across the chamber which called on Lancashire County Council to carry out a formal trial of single lane operation of Derby Street bridge before any permanent narrowing. Jane is convinced it will cause extra congestion in the town centre.

In her time away from tireless community campaigning, Jane is an animal lover who rescues cats. She is also passionate about the environment, reflected in her efforts when OWL hits the town to do one of their regular litter picks.