

We hope that you will get involved actively in Our West Lancashire, but we also need your financial support. Consider this: The local Labour party have the benefit of the taxpayer-funded MPs office, while the local Conservatives reportedly have more than £40,000 in the bank and more on deposit at the national party. The local Labour party spent more than £8,500 at recent local elections.

We operate on a fraction of the budget of the main parties and we make sure we spend every penny wisely. Local elections and our campaigns to support resident concerns cost us a four figure sum, so we need your financial help.

  • £5 would pay for our website for one month
  • £15 would pay for a social media campaign
  • £35 would pay for 1000 leaflets
  • £300 would cover our likely election expenses in one ward

Whatever you can afford would be gratefully received. You can use:

  • the online payment system by clicking on the donate button above
  • a bank transfer payment to Our West Lancashire Sort Code 20-80-33 Account Number 03827151
  • a cheque payable to Our West Lancashire sent to Mike Blackburn, Treasurer, Our West Lancashire, 79 Liverpool Road, Bickerstaffe, Ormskirk, L39 0EG

Please make clear reference with your donation so that we can adequately acknowledge and thank your generosity.


Membership shows that you support the aims and objectives of Our West Lancashire. We have deliberately kept the membership fee low at £10 per year to encourage as many people as possible to join. Members can help shape our direction, vote and stand for Management Committee and attend general meetings. They will also receive a member newsletter.


To apply for membership you can subscribe online by using the secure subscription facility to pay by debit/credit card or Paypal by clicking on the Subscribe button above. You can also use bank transfer marking Membership in the payment reference to Our West Lancashire Sort Code 20-80-33 Account Number 03827151.

Alternatively, download our membership form, complete and send it with your cheque made payable to Our West Lancashire to our office at the address above. You must not currently be a member of another political party.