Charles Berry – Social Media Officer

Charles Berry has lived in West Lancashire since 2018, previously in Bickerstaffe, and Ormskirk since 2024. He currently works as a Regulatory Affairs professional, providing technical and risk advisory services for a global cosmetic and consumer chemicals company based in Lancashire. Alongside his role, he sits in several committees and working groups within the sector, offering his expertise particularly on UK and EU chemicals regulation. Outside of work his hobbies include running and weight training, often in preparation for charitable events such as Tough Mudder which he participates in annually.
Charles is thrilled to have joined OWL as a Social Media Officer, providing the opportunity to broadcast local issues that matter to local people. He is passionate about the rural environment, which is a key symbol of West Lancashire, and is excited to showcase what OWL is doing to support our communities through the use of social media. A key objective of his is to expand our online following and bring people the content they need to allow them to make informed decisions to shape their local area.