
Cllr Linda Webster – Rural South

Linda has lived in Bickerstaffe for 27 years and has been involved in many aspects of life including serving on the Parish Council for over 12 years. Many local residents will know Linda from her key role in opposing the siting of a traveller site locally in an entirely inappropriate location and helping to prevent a late night fast food outlet opening in the parish. Linda has also been a governor at the local primary school for over 20 years, is a former governor of Ormskirk School and enjoys her position as a trustee of a local charity giving grants to young people. She is always ready to serve the community in any way possible.

In addition Linda has a wide business background having worked in Export sales and marketing for many years before becoming self-employed.

Linda says, “Becoming an independent councillor is an opportunity to serve the interests of the people of this area without being under the control of a particular party. Whilst I will be a part of the OWL group, having their support and experience to assist me, I will be able to vote with my conscience and in the best interests of residents.

I am very conscious that I was only able to stand for election due to the tragic loss of Ian Davis the OWL councillor for Derby ward including Westhead. His shoes will be extremely difficult to fill. I hope that those who trusted Ian with their votes will consider letting me continue his legacy, representing them and bringing their specific needs and concerns into the council chamber.

I have not been involved in politics before aside from having a seat on the Parish Council. I am determined to act as a resident rather than a politician, with the aim of representing everyone who lives in the area I love.

Cllr Webster can be contacted at Cllr.Webster@westlancs.gov.uk