park pool and gordon johnson

Election Rival to Ormskirk’s County Councillor calls on her to Listen to her Voters and save Park Pool

Former Mayor and councillor, Gordon Johnson says County Councillor Nikki Hennessy needs to listen to the people who elected her before May elections.

Councillor Nikki Hennessy must listen to the people who elected her and save Park Pool from closure says Gordon Johnson who will stand against her in May’s county council elections.

Gordon Johnson

Mr Johnson, a former Mayor of West Lancashire and former Independent Our West Lancashire councillor in Ormskirk made his call as councillors including Cllr Hennessy prepare to decide the pool’s fate later this month. 

He said, “Park Pool has 1,261 children on swim lessons per week and 9 schools use the pool for National Curriculum swimming totalling another 235 children.  The building is structurally sound.  Its future could be bright with some fresh thinking and some investment, something it’s not had.

Park Pool

A record breaking number of local residents responded to the public consultation and the majority of those use Park Pool – 66% of the respondents.  Reading some of the comments from schoolchildren and listening to the public outcry should be enough for Councillor Hennessy to do the right thing.  Budgets are about choices and other choices can be made without shutting this well-used public facility that the people of Ormskirk fundraised to build.”

He concluded, “She has to face the electors of Ormskirk in a few short weeks and voters are going to raise the swimming pools whether it is a county council responsibility or not, because how an elected councillor responds to public concerns matters, whatever the issue or council involved.”