polling station wasteful spending

New Polling Station ‘Not Wanted by Public and a Waste of Money’

Labour councillors ignored the concerns of opposition parties and the results of their own public consultation to agree a new polling station on the Pines Estate in Ormskirk.  The proposal was not made by the council’s officers as the current polling stations in the area serve local residents adequately and within the prescribed guidelines.  However, following Labour councillors use of their majority and due to the lack of suitable venues, the council will now spend £3000 of local taxpayers’ money on a portable cabin for a single day next May.

The decision was slammed by Jane Thompson who was OWL councillor for the area until May.   “This polling station is not wanted by the public and is a waste of money.  The public consultation showed that residents were opposed to the suggestion and those living in the ward were strongly opposed with only 2 residents agreeing.  The council set a budget with a £1.8million deficit and the current figures for this year show that ballooning to £2.3million.  It’s no surprise when Labour councillors use our money in this wasteful way”, she said.