
A Lancashire 1st for Ormskirk as Councillors’ Campaign yields Result

Red Light/Speed on Green Cameras to be installed at County Road Junctions

Enforcement cameras with the dual purpose of capturing both red light running and speeding are to be installed at the Fiveways and Hayfield Road junctions on Ormskirk’s County Road in what will be a first for this technology in Lancashire.  The junctions have a long history of serious accidents and red light jumping has been a significant factor.

The news was confirmed in an email to local councillors from the County Council.  The Council say they will be working with the Police to write quite a complex technical specification to go to the market. A procurement route has been drafted and the next step is specification writing and the tender process.  

The news has been hailed by local OWL councillors Jane Thompson and Kate Mitchell who have long campaigned for cameras at the junctions.  Cllr Thompson said, “We started a petition back in 2018, and then had a residents’ meeting in the Hayfield pub with County Council officers and the County Councillor for Highways.  We then had to wait for government approval for this new type of camera. At last, it appears we are moving forwards.”

Cllr Mitchell added, “It was March 2019 when we hosted a packed meeting at the Hayfield.  It has been a long haul with many delays but at last residents and commuters alike can look forward to safer travel at these two notorious junctions.”