
Local Plan SCRAPPED!

Responding to news that work on the Local Plan review is to cease in its entirety and the process be restarted from scratch, Our West Lancashire warmly welcomed the news.

OWL meeting for concerned residents at Ormskirk School

Cllr Adrian Owens said, “This is the step we have been calling for and so we warmly welcome it.  This lifts a massive cloud from over the heads of tens of thousands of local residents.  Residents had responded to the consultation in record numbers and they are the people I feel delighted for.   The fundamental direction of the previous proposals was always misplaced.  Starting the process again gives us a chance to ensure West Lancashire plays its part locally in addressing climate change and other environmental matters.

Councillor Owens hosts a residents meeting at the Cricket Club

Cllr Ian Rigby from Bickerstaffe whose ward faced 6000 new homes and 190 hectares of land lost to large warehouses added, “This is the best possible news for residents of my ward.  Going back to the drawing board gives the council the opportunity to adopt a more inclusive approach to the process.  I hope that they involve more fully the community and a greater number of councillors in drawing up proposals that suit our predominantly rural Borough.” 

The relevant report of the Borough Solicitor is here