Ormskirk Folk should have full say on Bus Station Redevelopment
Ormskirk residents should be given a full say in how the bus station is redeveloped say Our West Lancashire’s team for this May’s elections in the town
Jane Thompson from Scott ward said, “I’ve already been contacted by residents horrified by the scale and design of the proposed buildings, especially the 4 storey one – higher than anything else in the town. Personally I’d have thought that flats for elderly people who do not drive would suit this particular town centre location and provide a year-round boost for our town’s retailers.â€

“The car parking on the site is being lost and the only opportunity for the town’s residents to have any input is through the planning application process which is very limited. We need a full public consultation as to how the people of Ormskirk would like the bus station redeveloped.â€
Gordon Johnson, Our West Lancashire’s Derby ward spokesman added, “The Borough council own this land. They should be fully involving the people they serve in deciding how it is redeveloped, not making cosy deals with developers and then presenting it as a done deal to residents.â€
“With a large number of student rental houses remaining unoccupied this academic year and Edge Hill University’s own figures forecasting a decline in student numbers over the coming years I am at a loss to even try and understand why the council would want to build even more student accommodation on the Ormskirk Bus Station site. It seems like a ludicrous idea to me.â€
Kate Mitchell, who represents Our West Lancashire in Knowsley ward added, “Getting the building design right for this prominent site is crucial and I am concerned about how the proposed bus station would operate. The proposals reduce the number of bus stands. How does that help promote or encourage bus use? Any redevelopment should look to include space for coach parking and the Dial a Ride buses. I’m sure that we could get a better development proposal if we fully involved the talents of townspeople in a wide consultation process.â€