Much-loved Ormskirk Man Commemorated on Roadside Planter

Tony Daly, who was a well-known Ormskirk man and an expert on antiques who had had books published on Ormskirk’s clockmakers of centuries past has been commemorated by Our West Lancashire with a plaque on the Burscough Road planter they maintain. Tony passed away suddenly late last year.
Jane Thompson from Our West Lancashire said, “Tony was Ormskirk born and bred and cared deeply about the town. He was known by so many people and we, in Our West Lancashire wanted to mark his memory in a small way.â€

“Tony lived almost opposite the street planters on Burscough Road and he was infuriated to see the council let them go to wrack and ruin. So when, Our West Lancashire adopted one of the planters 18 months or so ago, he wasted no time in helping us with the makeover.â€
The Scott ward activist continued, “The planter that Our West Lancashire maintain stands in stark contrast to the neighbouring overgrown planters left by the council. Tony would always battle for the best for Ormskirk and when we contacted Tony’s brother and sister-in-law (pictured right), they agreed that they were sure Tony would appreciate being commemorated on the plaque in this way. It was lovely to invite them to the unveiling of the plaque last week.”