
Resident concerns on health services taken to decision makers

A survey of the views of local residents on local health services has been sent to decision makers at the Southport and Ormskirk Hospital NHS Trust and the West Lancashire Clinical Commissioning Group.

Our West Lancashire started the survey after rumours of a downgrade to services at Southport/Ormskirk hospitals and the reduction in hours at our walk-in centres; along with a new provider of urgent care starting in April. It was high time that local residents were allowed into the conversations that decision makers are having.

Adrian Owens said, “We have sent the survey results and every comment made by respondents (anonymised) to the local hospital trust and the Clinical Commissioning Group and asked for their response. There are some clear messages that you, local users of health services are making, and we will press the providers of our health services to address these.”

Increased resources are clearly needed year on year and it cannot be right that Government is increasing its own spending by nearly 4% between 2016 and 2018 while slashing spending to councils by 22% over the same period when that impacts on the social care that councils provide.

If you would like a copy of the survey results then please contact us.