Not one young recruit at council in 2015

Not one young person under 20 years of age was recruited by West Lancashire Borough council in 2015 under figures released by the council this week. In the same period, more than 20 new recruits started employment with the council. The figures were obtained by Our West Lancashire who are now calling on the council to do more to widen job opportunities for local young people.
Photo shows the Our West Lancashire Committee with Alex Lambie, former apprentice at the Borough council who has supported the call for more opportunities for young people at the council.
Our West Lancashire councillor, Adrian Owens said: “Last year I showed in budget proposals how we could create apprenticeships and traineeships at the council within the tight financial position. It’s hugely disappointing then that the council haven’t done more. The Council Leader is quite rightly promoting apprenticeships elsewhere in the Borough but as one of the largest employers in West Lancashire, the council should be setting an example.â€
Cllr Owens has tabled a question at this month’s council meeting asking the Council Leader what steps he is taking to improve the situation.
Cllr Owens concluded, “The council’s current workforce is aging. We need to create a more balanced age profile among the workforce for succession planning. Added to which young people will bring a new perspective, energy and ideas to the organisation.â€