New car park for Ormskirk town centre first suggested by OWLs coming to fruition
Council Cabinet approves funding for new car parking first promoted by Ormskirk Independents

The land on Station Approach at the rear of the rail station car park will be surfaced and marked to provide additional car parking for the town centre.
Jane Thompson said, “There is a shortage of car parking in the town and residents of streets close to the town centre and up Greetby Hill suffer from inconsiderate on-street parking. I and my Our West Lancashire colleague, Ian Davis promoted this land for improvement in this way last February and I’m delighted it is coming to fruition.â€
Cllr Adrian Owens said, “Our West Lancashire included funds for this improvement in our council budget last year, but at the time both Labour and Conservative refused to take the project forward. I’m pleased that council officers have found another funding route and that this project seems set to go ahead. It will be a modest but important improvement to the town.â€