
Taking West Lancashire Car Parks into the 21st Century

Cllr Adrian Owens at a Pay and Display unit

Much has been written recently about the Government’s intention to allow users of car parks throughout the UK to have a 10 minute grace period before they are officially booked for over staying.

Cllr Adrian Owens, Leader of the Our West Lancashire group on West Lancashire Borough Council, attempted to also move West Lancashire into the 21st Century with a bold car parking proposal at the Budget setting meeting but this was thrown out.

His suggestion was to allow payment and “top ups” on the car parks, to be made by mobile phone. Council officers had costed this idea at no more than £7,000, whereas ideas recently discussed by Councillors included the introduction of barrier technology whereby you pay on exit as opposed to entry. This was costed at £60,000 for ONE car park.

Cllr Owens’ idea of the mobile phone technology would benefit traders significantly – meaning that shoppers could top up their car allowances and continue shopping rather than having to rush back to Car Parks – more convenient for the shoppers and hopefully more significant sales for local Traders.

Cllr Owens will continue to promote this suggestion through the Council over coming weeks and welcomes both traders and shoppers in the area to let him know their thoughts. He can be contacted at or 01257 464813.