Ormskirk footpath given a spring clean by OWL

A popular footpath used as a daily route for parents and toddlers, school children, and people walking to and from the station – as well as dog walkers and others has been litter picked by a team of volunteers from Our West Lancashire.
The foot path between Old Boundary Way and Nursery Avenue yielded twenty bags of rubbish including a lot of dangerous broken glass.

Our West Lancashire believe that improvements in our towns, villages and estates often come about when local people work together sometimes through political campaigns but often, by acting directly. West Lancashire is home to many talented people. Many already do “their bit” for the community, but if more people would do so then our neighbourhoods would be stronger, cleaner and safer.
The litter pick was one of our Community Action days which we intend to run at regular intervals. If you’ve an idea for such a day in your area or want to join us, then please get in touch.
Watch a short, 2 minute video of the litter pick here