We are a group of Independents determined to put residents before the party whip. We have a string of achievements to our name and we are the Council group setting the ideas agenda in West Lancashire. We’ve attracted people new to politics and from all the main political parties. We agree a core of policies below. Beyond that, our councillors and candidates are free and Independent to pursue the ideas and strategies that best represent their area.
Leisure and Wellbeing

- Retain and continue to operate both centres at Nye Bevan and Park Pools
- Create a £1 million plus reserve to cover any major critical plant failure at the pools sustaining their operation
- Refurbish Park Pool using £5 million of Community Infrastructure Levy funding the council currently holds
- Build a new leisure hub in Skelmersdale with £5 million of Community Infrastructure Levy funding to be supplemented by funds from the Skelmersdale Town Centre Master Plan and future CIL receipts to cover the short term borrowing required

- Purchase the empty Glenburn site in Skelmersdale from the County Council, pictured, and, in consultation with the local community, bring forward a mixed development on the site to include a new Community Sports Village
- Complete the long-delayed Borough Council Ormskirk-Burscough linear park providing greater safe opportunities for walking and cycling
- Work with the Canal and River Trust to continue to improve the towpaths along the Leeds-Liverpool canal as has taken place or planned in Halsall, Scarisbrick, Burscough and Parbold
Housing, Development & Climate Change

- Champion a new improved local plan that recognises West Lancashire’s predominantly rural nature, builds homes only to meet local need, protects the best most-versatile agricultural land, green belt and addresses climate change. Oppose the County Council policy which supports 16,000 new houses in West Lancashire’s countryside.
- As evidence shows there is more than sufficient supply, use the new Local Plan to stop ALL further conversion of family homes to student accommodation and the construction of more off-campus purpose-built student accommodation.
- Introduce new rules to allow new housebuilding levies to be used to address flooding problems as other councils already do.

- Complete the new revival scheme in Digmoor in Skelmersdale to replace the worst of the new town housing with modern energy-efficient 21st century houses with private driveways and garden space.
- Expand the previous project that fitted additional energy efficiency measures on around 250 Borough’s council houses reducing fuel use and carbon emissions, combating fuel poverty and leaving more money in the pockets of council house tenants to a further 400 council homes.
Roads and Traffic
Campaigning for a new approach to road repair/potholes by the County Council who hold the responsibility for this area. We would campaign for the following:

- Money to be directed where the need is highest
- Campaign for the County council to employ more monitors to oversee contractors carrying out road repairs to ensure they are right first time and do not fail after a few weeks
- Introduce the use of rubber modified asphalt in road repairs in order to find a use for end of life tyres and produce a more flexible longer-lasting road repair
- Abandon the current system which sees potholes repaired in a strict list/priority order and fix all the potholes in a neighbourhood at the same time, reducing travel time and costs
- Explore the localisation of road repairs. Road repair with local, on-the ground oversight should mean better quality repairs.
Waste Collection, Litter, Flytipping and the Environment

- Oppose Labour’s plans to move grey bin collections to every 3 weeks in 2026
- Re-establish 7-day operation at all Household Waste and Recycling Centres and use technology to scrap the requirement to pre-book vans and trailers
- Reverse the plans of both Labour and Conservatives to remove 400 litter bins and frequency of emptying and also introduce 50 new litter bin locations to be identified and bins installed;
- Purchase additional Mobile CCTV systems to be deployed at fly tip hotspots across the Borough after early results from the trial showed fly tip incidents down by 43% and number of fly tippers caught up 70%
- Work with the County Council to allow easier disposal of flytipped waste for private landowners at County Council disposal sites.
- Reverse Labour’s plans to reduce grass cutting by 25% and street sweeping by 50%
A Plan for Ormskirk Town Centre

- A 12-month pilot project with FREE parking from 1pm on Mondays and Tuesdays in Ormskirk town centre and monitor the change in footfall and all-day FREE parking at Derby Street car park on Saturdays.
- Relaunching the Ormskirk Town Centre business group ensuring good representation of the different business types in the town, including independent retailers.
- Giving preference to rent empty units in the Council-owned Wheatsheaf Walks to shop types that Ormskirk lacks
- Ensure the completion of the paving and lighting improvements to Ormskirk town centre alleyways including features to highlight Ormskirk’s heritage
- Supporting greater opportunities to expand the market and ensure its long term presence as a facility and tourist attraction for the town centre.
Your councils serving you better and more cost effectively
- The Government is set to abolish Lancashire County Council and West Lancashire Borough Council within 3 years and create new “mega” councils. Our West Lancashire will campaign for a new council that reflects our predominantly rural nature; maintains a strong link to councillors who know their area; and avoids domination by Merseyside or Preston.
Seek better value for money and cost effectiveness at the Borough Council by:
- Reducing the councillor allowance budget; slimming down the expanded public relations department and cancelling unnecessary reviews.
- Ensuring efficiencies always result from investment in new computer systems
- Pursuing the sharing of services with other councils where a strong case can be made
- Reducing the cost of second and subsequent garden waste bin collection by a third to £30 per bin
- Introducing a public question time at Full Council meetings and hold two council meetings a year in venues in other communities in West Lancashire.
- Holding no secret caucus meetings before Planning and Development Control committees in the way that Labour and Conservative do.
- Publishing the Council’s Street sweeping schedules so that residents can know when their streets and pavements will be swept.